UPM Faculty of Computer Science and IT Research & Innovation International eXhibition 2024
(UPM edition)

In conjunction with the Convergence Innovation Competition Asian 2024 organized by Institute for People and Technology (IPaT), Georgia Insititute of Technology
To all upm students!
Set up your best global team and put your best shot with an innovation idea that reflects the best and innovative way to meet global challenges
and win a chance for a fully funded trip* to
*Terms and conditions apply
We are pleased to announce that these are the Top 5 teams for the UCRIX 2024. These teams will be representing UPM for the upcoming Georgia Tech's CIC Asia 2024! All the best and thank you to all participating teams! See u in 2025!

Event Schedule
Submission Dates : 8th June - 3rd July 2024
Judging Session : 4th July - 13th July 2024
Winners Announcement : 5th August 2024!!

The exhibition regulations are based on CIC Asia 2024 regulations which can be found here.
"Global Team, Global Challenges"
Entries can be based on class projects, student research projects, as well as personal hobbies and interests. Each team should identify one, or more, of the UN Sustainable Development Goals that their project is aiming to tackle. Projects can also align with one or more of IPaT’s current research concentrations.
What to submit?
Project Name
The working name of your product or service or perhaps your brand. Best if it conveys or infers what the project is about.
Project Description:
A short description of what the project is about, what kind of problem you are trying to solve, who the potential users are, what solution does it provide. Give some thought on how you would say this to a person you just met in one minute.
Team/Project Logo
This is the first visual impression of your project and can convey a message about the brand and market of your product or service.
Note: Please make your logo available in a downloadable format with a high-resolution.
View examples of winning submissions from past CIC competitions here.
Demonstration Video
This should clearly demonstrate how you envision users interacting with your product or service. Videos should be more about telling the story rather than just a rundown of the technology that you implemented. This is where you are able to demonstrate your work in action and show off the different types of users and the value they get from using your solution.
Be sure to allot plenty of time and thought in the creation of your video. Guidelines for the video are listed below and you can take a look at some of the previous winner's project videos here as well.
Video length - 3-5 minutes
Video should demonstrate your project including features, the problem solved and why the project is relevant in today's world.
Note: Please make your video available in your downloadable format using Google Drive or provide a permanent link to Youtube.
Presentation (optional)
Slides to help the judges further understand the problem, your solution, your users, and the value you are providing. Mockups, storyboards, screenshots, market research, a business model canvas, user survey and testing results, and technology/architectural details might be things to consider.
Note: Be thoughtful about the amount of content you share and the amount of time required to comprehend and review by the judges.
Project Website (optional but recommended)
Although making a project website, showcasing the project idea and description is optional, it is highly recommended. It could be a single page which includes any relevant information to help the judges further understand the problem, your solution, your users, and the value you are providing. Mockups, storyboards, screenshots, market research, a business model canvas, user survey and testing results, and technology/architectural details might be things to consider. You can also include contact information here for those interested in your ideas. If you have links to your solution (apps, clickable prototypes, etc), this would be a great place to include them.
Team formation
Participation is open to all Universiti Putra Malaysia students.
Participation must be in the form of groups with the following composition:
A maximum of 5 students per group.
Groups consisting of various races or including international students are encouraged.
Each student can only join one group.
Each group can only submit one entry.
​Participants must bear all participation costs.
Participation fee is free.
Judging Criteria
The following criteria are considered by the judges when reviewing all entries:
Innovation - Includes the overall novelty of the concept and prototype implementation.
Impact - What social impact or broader good does the project provide?
Viability - Does the product/solution applicable to the real world? How feasible is it? How scalable?
Completeness - Will the product/solution work on multiple platforms seamlessly? What are the next steps for the project?
Usability - Does the concept have a robust user experience including the user interface and service interactivity?
Presentation - The overall quality of the submission materials, including the user interface, video, logo, etc.
Entries found to be non-original or plagiarized will be disqualified. Entries must not have been previously submitted in any other competition. Entries or promotional videos must not contain or promote elements of religion, politics, sensitive content, slander or defamation of others, violence, pornography, inappropriate language, or offensive behavior.
The judges' decision is final. Projects, ideas, and entry videos that have been involved in any business activities, promotional programs, competitions, or presentations are not eligible for this competition. Projects, ideas, and entry videos that have been involved in any business activities, promotional programs, competitions, or presentations are not eligible for this competition.
5 slots for Georgia Tech's CIC Asia 2024 competition and a chance for a trip to the Finals in Taiwan + e-Certificates

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